Calendário - Infodiu - Março/2011

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Avaliação Pesquisa Operacional e Inglês Entrega - Lista 1 Cálculo Feriado - Carnaval Semana de Paredão Avaliação Cálculo II Avaliação de Contabilidade Correção Exercícios - Inglês II

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quinta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2010

Inglês - 3ª Aula


To read - ler
To tell - contar
To listen - estudar

Rules = regras

Page 8
What is this?
It's an Amaerican Company. It's a website for friends.
Who is the CEO? (CEO = Chief Techonology Officer)
Mark Zuckerberg

Do, Does: Partícula para negar ou fazer pergunta (He, She, It)

I am
You are
He is
She is
It is
He is
We are
They are

I am Brazilian.
I'm a teacher.
My name is Márcia.
My name´s Márcia.
You are my teacher.

I'm not American.
Amy is not my teacher.
She isn't my teacher.
They aren't only American.

Questions/Short Answer

Is Facebook a friendly company?
Are you a student?

Is he/she/it...?
Are you/we/they...?

Yes, he/she/it is.
No, he/she/it isn't.
Yes, we/you/they are.
No, we/you/they aren't.

OBS.: Nunca se responde afirmativas abreviadas.

Is Mark the CEO?
Yes, he is.

Is Facebook a website?
Yes, it is.
Is Dustin the Head of Engineering? (Chefe de Engenharia)
Yes, he is.

Is Adam the CEO?
Yes, he is.

Are Mark, Dustin and Adam friends?
Yes, They are.

Are they from the USA?
Yes, they are.

Are they employees of the company? (employees = empregados)
Yes, they are.

Is Mark at Work all the time? (at work = no trabalho)
Yes, he is.

Customers = Clientes
Colleagues = Colegas
Coleage: Faculdade

Exercise 6

Are you Spanish?
I'm note Spanish.
Is your company American?
My company isn't American.
Are your customers in Asia?
Our customers aren't in Asia.
Are your work colleagues your friends?
My work colleagues are my friends.
Is English important in my company?
Yes, it is.

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